PAYreview Blog
Fresh perspectives on pay strategies, benchmarks, efficiencies, emerging research, and technologies.
3 reasons why HR tech needs to be human-centric
The pandemic transformed the way we work almost overnight. Tech systems were overhauled in a matter of days when the first lockdown was mandated.
Excel Hell: why to stop using spreadsheets for everything
Excel’s original purpose was financial modelling, a magic sheet of paper that can run calculations. But that era is long gone.
5 Ways Pay Review Software Helps Remote Workers
The way we work has been altered by the pandemic, with many companies opting to maintain remote work arrangements for their employees, and this trend is expected to continue.
How pay review software can empower your process
Using spreadsheets for your pay review process just doesn’t cut it for anything larger than a small team. There’s a whole host of problems that start to creep in.